Thursday, May 24, 2012

What ship is this?

Ed the Two Hour Wargames Guy broke out the spaceships this week. He got them from Black Widow Pilot on TMP.  They're some cool ships with some great paint jobs.
I need some help identifying one of the minis.  The silver cylindrical spaceship is a Star Frontiers pirate frigate (a model with which I am familiar), but I have no idea where the blue triangle ship came from.
Here they are together, so you can get a sense of scale.    Does anyone recognize the blue miniature?


  1. The blue one's coloration and symbols look like Ultramarines from 40K. Could it be a Battlefleet Gothic ship?

  2. Pretty sure that it isn't a BFG ship, nor a predecessor of spacce fleet gothic. I think it's just painted that style with an ultramarine transfer on it...

  3. Looks a bit like both Kallistra and Magister Militum's triangular spaceships.

  4. It looks almost like a star destroyer from Star Wars. There's been quite a few ships in that universe that have born a resemblance to the ones from the Original Trilogy.

  5. Think it's from Garrison miniatures

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. For those interested, the Star Frontiers pirate frigate is from TSR in the 1980's, but still shows up regularly on eBay.
