Saturday, September 8, 2012

Painting goals for the weekend

Here are all the things I want to get painted this weekend: a quartet of Terran Swiftsure-class stellar destroyers (from the Starfleet Wars/Galactic Knights line of spaceships); a half-dozen Mars-class starbombers (also for SfW/GK); a pair of Federation Scorpius-class hyperspace submarines (part of the Stardate: 3000 line); two Fed Pegasus-class h-subs (ditto); and a couple of homemade asteroids (from some rocks I found while mowing the yard).
I don't know if I will be able to complete all these in the next couple of days, but it will give me something to do while I'm watching football.  Anyone else painting over the weekend?  To paraphrase that credit card commercial: What's on your workbench?


  1. Good luck with the painting. I might get to some assembly of srmd to bodies, but then maybe I could get a flight or two of the MK Galactic fighters finished. Hmmmm

  2. I probably won't get to the painting stage this weekend, but I plan on finishing a couple of resin casts of scratchbuilds. The problem is I just moved from a house to an apartment and am having to figure out where I can spray primers and mix up noxious resins.

    Seeing your primed ships makes me miss having a hobby room. good luck with the painting!
