Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Starships: completed Terran escorts

Since some friends canceled their plans with us on Saturday, I had a productive day of painting, as you can see.  I painted six Mars-class starbombers and four Swiftsure-class stellar destroyers, all from the Terran faction in Starfleet Wars/Galactic Knights.

Since my Terran White Fleet is understrength when compared to my Red Fleet, I painted most of these guys to augment the smaller force.
I also have plenty of these vessels painted in an assortment of different paint schemes, so I wanted to give the Red Fleet some starbombers in their own livery.  Therefore, I painted the rest of the Mars craft in the standard Terran crimson.
 With all these ships finished, I'm gonna have to update my group photos of the Terrans.  I guess that goes to show, your minis collection is never actually complete; you just get caught up every now and then.


  1. Hey dude, have you seen the scratch-built ships this guy has built?? Absolutely beautiful!
