Monday, November 12, 2012

Found at Half-Price

I saw this More Thrust book as I browsed the games section at Half-Price Books over the weekend, and I decided to buy it.  Why would I spend eight bucks with tax on a slightly out-of-date rules supplement that's available for free online?

Maybe it's the collector in me.  Maybe it's the fact that I have a hardcopy of the game it supplements, Full Thrust.  Maybe it's because I'm old-fashioned and enjoy printed products over electronic versions.  Or maybe it's due to the fact that I didn't buy anything for myself at Millenniumcon over the weekend and had money burning a hole in my pocket.  Whatever the reason, it's mine now!


  1. I get it. It's the same reason I bought a copy of Mekton Empire (At MillenniumCon as it turns out), even though I could get a PDF for less money. I find the physical book more pleasing.

  2. Same here, and when the power goes out you can always sit back with a good rule book by candlelight!

  3. I also prefer a hard copy over a PDF. I guess I am and always will be "old school" when it comes to gaming books.

    FYI, Texicon is in May next year not July. It's on May 17-19, 2013.
    With any luck I will finally be able to attend.

  4. Zanazaz: fixed! Thanks for the heads-up.

  5. The one on San Pedro. I would ask if you sold some books there, but I'm pretty sure you never sell off your gaming material. :)

  6. We happy few, the lat generation that will prefer books to pdfs.
