Saturday, December 8, 2012

More Dreamblade minis

Browsing on ebay, I saw another Flame Harrower from the Dreamblade minis line.  The auction included three more minis as well and started at 99 cents, so I had to bid on it.  I was the only bidder, so this is the second mini of this type I got for cheap--around $4 for the whole lot when you include shipping. 

This Flame Harrower will help expand my Sons of Muspel fire army for Hordes of the Things.  Not sure if I'll use both of these models as Hero elements or something else.
The Iron Thug looks like a chain golem from later editions of D&D, and would make a good monster for any fantasy RPG or skirmish game.
This Murderous Berserker is the size and look of a (smallish) frost giant, although the flash made the skin look a lot brighter in the photo than in person.  If I ever get around to fielding a frost giant army to compliment the Sons of Muspel, I'm recruiting this guy.
And then there's this ... the Slaughterwheel, an amalgamation of legs and blades.  No telling what this could represent in one of my games.  Any suggestions?
I really shouldn't be buying more minis, but when they average just a buck each, it's hard to say no.  Still, I can quit any time I want ...


  1. "I can quit any time I want"

    Yep that's what they ALL say when they first come to us at Lead Buyers Anonymous...

  2. Oooops! I have contributed to your 99 cent mini addiction by telling you about my new mini source. Sorry!

  3. Hey Desert Scribe, thanks for checking out my blog. I'm looking for a more economical way to make use of the Warhammer mini's that I have and I see that you're a fan of HOTT and THW games. Have you given Rally Round the King a whirl and would you recommend it or HOTT? Thanks and cheers, Bogeyman

  4. Bogeyman, welcome aboard the Dreadnought!

    Like you, I desired to repurpose my old Warhammer minis. I got into Hordes of the Things first, and have played that a whole lot. I highly recomment it. I've only played Rally Round the King once, and I recommend it as well.

    They're both good games, and the beauty of RRTK is that you can play solo. Even better, you can base your minis for HotT and use them for RRTK also.

  5. Awesome site and thanks for the advice. I might try HOTT first as it's free and I'm a cheap sod. Looking forward to reading your many posts about Holmes. Cheers, Bogeyman
