Wednesday, May 10, 2017

As the Wheel Turns (Frostgrave catch-up post)

Another game of Frostrgave, this time the Bone Wheel. Note the fancy paving for the gaming surface. One of our players, Yosef, cut and painted some blue insulation foam to make a nice cityscape.
He also constructed the bone wheel that gives this scenario its name: A rotating circular device with six bodies hanging from it.
There was also a couple of banshees that ended up not causing too much trouble for me or for Yosef. Of course, we could concentrate on the undead since we were not trying to kill each other this game.
Since this was a two-player scenario and we had four players show up, the other two participants played on another board with a second bone wheel. They might have beat up on each other a bit.
With this scenario complete, it's time to take on the Lich Lord itself!

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