Monday, May 29, 2017

Ogre minis game

As usual, I'm late in posting this game from last month. Jeff, another Ogre player who took part in my Monopolis scenario last fall, met me at Dragon's Lair for some Ogre minis action.
Jeff brought his nicely painted miniatures, both Combine and Paneuro. He also brought some wonderful city terrain from Japan, that goes by the name GEOcraper.
I played the city's defenders, and Jeff brought in an attacking force twice as strong. We got into a destructive battle here where the road passed by a lake.
But the attacking GEVs outnumbered my defenders, and they began to close in. Not pictured are the several Ogres approaching down the road (sorry, the photo came out too blurry to post).
I had to leave soon after this picture. But with the additional forces coming in, the defenders were sure to take a beating. I hope to play again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Man, those explosions markers make that scene look great.
