Tuesday, August 21, 2018

More Ghost Archipelago

Another game of Ghost Archipelago from a few months back. The scenario involved another volcano, so the island must be somewhere not too far from the realm of Muspelheim.
My Heritor and crew were quick to find the central treasure, surrounded by several smaller treasures.
Did I mention that the volcano was active, and belching lava what seemed like every turn?
To be fair, the scenario also provided for fissures in the ground opening up, as well as a tsunamis to mess with our boats.
Meanwhile, the crew that entered a cavern in the volcano was fighting some sort of demonic ... demon?
And my guys just kept getting splatted with lava, thanks to a location die that I think was unbalanced--how else to explain the molten rock always landing on my side of the table?
I mean seriously, we ran out of lava to place. You can see a fissure in this photo as well.
At the end of the game, the once-green island was ablaze with smoking lava fields.
At least some of the other crews got a taste.
There was even a tsunami that pushed some boats around.
This was a scenario that made us work for our treasures.


  1. I have probably written this before, but I really like your Lizardmen warband. It's very unique. Also, the ship on the wave in the last pic, have we seen that before? It looks awesome.

  2. Now that;'s a smokin' adventure!
