Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ambush among the animals

Our recent game of Burrows & Badgers saw us playing the second scenario in the rulebook, Ambush the Camp.I played the defenders, set up in the middle of the board.
My opponent quickly moved his figures to the center of the table and started wailing on my guys. He had some heavy hitters like a wildcat. Still, I was able to get multiple characters over to his figures, including a sparrow.
While I damaged his guys, he took out a couple of mine as well, including a new character that my warband had picked up: Linda Lou Shrew.
And it's hard in this game to get a hit on a figure with the Ferocious trait, like the wildcat. That animal was able to hold off--and take out--the rabbit leader of my warband.
With my top figure out of the way, he was able to raid my group's equipment pile in the middle of the camp, one of his objectives for the game.
Thankfully, my warband all recovered, although not intact. Rolling on the injuries table after the battle, the shrew rolled up "horrendous scars"--which gave her the Ferocious trait. Now I get to see how that works.

1 comment:

  1. That looks fabulous and it sounds like a great game.
