Sunday, March 31, 2019

The debut of the war rig

Our most recent game of Gaslands had my newly completed war rig trying to get from one end of the table to the other. Spoiler alert: It did not happen. I gave my tractor-trailer combo (Shiny Happy People towing Big Money) 75 cans of equipment and upgrades, facing two teams of 50 cans each.
One of the teams was Notorious RBG, with Red Rain, Blue Monday, and Green Manalishi (with a two-prong crown), their paint jobs toned down from what they looked like straight out of the package. Each vehicle was a standard car with front-facing heavy machine gun.
On the other side of the table was Men At Work, with the heavy truck Overkill and the regular truck (Who Can It Be Now?). These vehicles had crew firing rifles and grenades or Molotovs.
No plan survives the first turn of play, and my war rig ended up spinning out after gaining too many hazard tokens--and a lot of machine gun hits from Notorious RBG. Now I was pointed to the side, instead of down the road where I wanted to go. And I drove into a work zone.
The Men At Work were in my way. There's no point in arguing about who ran into who; let's just say there was some contact between Shiny Happy People and Overkill.
Let's also just say that the piledriver attack the big rig has is fun--you push the other vehicle the length of a short range template in any direction.
And because my rig had eight crewmembers, there were plenty of bullets flying at Who Can It Be Now?, which then wrecked. And exploded, thanks to all those grenades, damaging Green Manalishi (but not the two-prong crown).
And as I drove past Overkill, I got cocky. First, I laid down a smokescreen to cover my getaway. Nice, but I couldn't leave well enough alone.
Even though I could have made my getaway, I decided to open fire (all those crewmembers with guns, remember?). And yes, I took out the vehicle. Which exploded (I want to say on a natural 6).
And since I was close enough to shoot Overkill with my handguns, I was close enough to be affected by the blast. Now the explosion didn't finish me off--I still had two hull points left--but every hit from a blast that you don't evade gives you another hazard token.
This was enough to send me into a jackknife, spinning the rig around and making me roll a four-dice attack against myself. I did four points damage, which was more than enough to kill the war rig--ending the game and giving credit for the kill to Men At Work (even though they didn't have anyone left to savor the win).
I had fun playing the war rig, and I hope to get it onto the table again soon. Meanwhile, I'm working on more vehicles. I think I'm addicted to this game.

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