Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ten years and a thousand posts

Ten years ago today, Super Galactic Dreadnought saw its very first blog post, a nostalgia trip back to my youth and the influences that would shape my gaming. As you can tell from the name of this blog, I was enamored of the Starfleet Wars line of miniature spaceships that I saw in a magazine ad way back when. 

When I started this blog, I was a couple of years into my personal gaming renaissance--a return to regular miniatures and roleplaying after a decades-long drought caused by work, various moves, personal issues, and then law school. Those were great times, as I started playing D&D in a local campaign, met regularly at the local game store for some wargaming, and was in the middle of amassing my collection of spaceship minis.
This was reflected in my blogging--I had posts about games, posts about miniatures, posts about sci fi and fantasy. The output was pretty steady the first couple of years, with 200+ posts when I was in the zone. My posting frequency eventually dropped off, however, to just a few dozen a year for the past few years. That infrequency isn't for a lack of gaming, though--up until the pandemic, I was gaming weekly with a group of local players and running games at MillenniumCon on a regular basis. A lot changed over the years, with moves and job switching, but I think the main thing was that playing so often filled the void that blogging previously had done.
The year 2010 was a much different time, and back then I couldn't have imagined the current events we're living through in 2020. Now, with COVID-19 closing game stores and cancelling conventions, I'm reflecting on my blogging. The numbers worked out nice, and I was able to make sure that my 1,000th post occurred on the 10-year anniversary of starting Super Galactic Dreadnought. I have more than 220 followers, and this blog has over 2,500 comments (not counting spam). I want to thank all of y'all for reading and commenting. I'm thrilled that I can provide inspiration to other gamers, just as so many have inspired me. Here's to more blogging and more gaming in the years ahead!


  1. Congratulations! 10 years is a long time in blogging time. I have been following it since the first year or two and have enjoyed your postings over the years. Keep it up!

  2. Also my congratulations! Think we've both been at this the same amount of time, amazing huh?
    Well keep on with it!

  3. Congratulations, Mack! Several big milestones there!

  4. I missed posting on my tenth anniversary and I didn't even have the excuse of it being 2020. Well done, and here's to ten more years.

  5. Congratulations on maintaining such a great blog for so long! Looking forward to the next thousand posts.

  6. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone!

  7. So impressive,
    Thanks for sharing you time and your hobby. I hope someday to contribute 1/2 as much to the community.

  8. I for one am really happy to see your recent increase in posting. You do a great job with this. Now, can you pump out 300 for 2021? ;)
