Thursday, January 28, 2021

Starfinder spaceships

I received an Amazon gift card for Christmas last month, so I decided to treat myself to two sets of spaceship minis for the sci fi RPG Starfinder, the Corpse Fleet and the Pact Worlds Fleet. I don't actually play Starfinder, but one can never have too many spaceship minis, can one? The minis look good with their factory paint schemes, and they will scale just fine with the rest of the many spacecraft casting in my collection.

Since these models came prepainted, I don't feel guilty because I'm not adding to my pile of unfinished miniatures. I figure I can use them with any of my space combat games, but I'm curious about how this roleplaying game resolves starship battles. Has anyone played Starfinder, and if so, did you use their spaceship rules?


  1. First,
    I agree, you can never have too many space ships

    When are those bad boys going to get to see some "pew pew"?

  2. Thanks. I'm thinking about starting a solo narrative campaign this spring. If so, I will squeeze in these guys at some point.
