Saturday, January 30, 2021

Another Ogre completed

No, not that kind of Ogre ... this model is an Ogre Chieftain from Reaper Miniatures' Bones line. 
I had fun painting him, but such a large figure was more challenging than the smaller castings I've done lately.
For a color scheme, I decided to go with Gary Gygax's description from the original AD&D Monster Manual: dead yellow skin, green hair, and black teeth (actually I used dark gray with highlights, and the fangs came out brighter than I intended).
In the end, this felt like I never would finish it. I would try to do something, make a mistake, attempt to fix the mistake, make another mistake ... I finally called it done when it looked like most of the blunders cancelled out one other.
Like I said, working on this substantial mini made it hard for me to keep on-task. Since I needed a break from the big guy every now and then, I did some quick paint-ups of a couple more familiars (also Bones minis).
I'm happy with the expression on the little red guy, but the tree creature doesn't really have much of a face. But a base coat and drybrush gives me something to put on the table.
So that's three more miniatures painted this month, for a total of eight figures! If I can keep up this habit, I should get a lot done this year. Thanks for reading, and as a reward, here's a group shot of this week's work.  
As you can see, quite a size difference. See you next time, and keep painting!


  1. Good color choices on the ogre!

  2. Persistence has its own reward...a good looking figure, in this case! Nice work, yellow can be a difficult color.

  3. Looks great! I like the subtle green beard, as well as how you were able to keep your wash (ink?) in the low areas. It's a challenge (for me at least) to emphasize the shadows using washes without making the mini look splotchy. Nice job.

  4. See, now, I saw the headline and was expecting massive treads and nuclear howitzers...

  5. I think the Ogre came out very well!

  6. I suffer from the same problem of make a mistake correct a mistake. Wash, rinse repeat....

    I try to keep telling myself that perfect is the enemy of good. That's my mantra but it's hard to overcome sometimes. As the author of the blog knows me quite well I'm sure he will be shocked to find out I have some standards. ;)

    As ADD as I am and only recently gotten serious about painting my miniature collection I find it surprising how it keeps my attention.

  7. Thanks, y'all! My next mini will hopefully be more in line with science fiction (in the giant tank genre) than fantasy.
