Saturday, February 13, 2021

Mobile Energy Weapon Vehicle

This week's miniature is a Mobil Energy Weapon Vehicle (MEWV--get it? Because it moves!) that I plan to use with my Monopolis setup for Ogre. My brother generously sent me this as a birthday gift after I offhandedly mentioned it when we were talking about gaming.
The casting itself is called the Gojira Hakaisha Laser Projector, from Reviresco's 6mm sci-fi Days of Empire line (there's some other minis in that range that might come in handy for Ogre games, too).
I really like all the details on this model; it has an old-school science fiction vibe. The only thing is, it came in a lot of pieces--with no instructions!
Despite the fact that the vehicle was unassembled, with 24 parts (11 just for the laser arm assembly), I managed to put it together, and with just one piece left over!
Maybe this record cold front that hit Texas this week was an influence in my white paint scheme. I was going for sort of a stark white 1970's aesthetic, but I don't think it came out that way. Still, the model looks pretty cool.
As you can see, it is big in its scale, with the trailer as long as an Ogre Mark III, and the laser arm is even taller than the cybertank's sensor tower. 
It was painstaking to assemble, and I'm not completely sold on the paint job, but all in all I'm satisfied that I finished this monster. The Gojira MEWV will fit in just fine on my tabletop.
Meanwhile, I hope everyone else is staying warm this weekend, and working on a gaming project when you get the chance.


  1. I always liked those when they'd show up in the old Godzilla movies. Not that they were of much use, but they sure looked cool.

  2. Same here, I loved them in the movies. Makes me excited to see them as minis!

  3. To be honest, while the name should have clued me in, I had no idea these vehicles were actually in the movies, since I've only seen the first one and then a couple of the American remakes.

  4. Lord Mark spam! I haven't seen one of those in a long time!

    Not gonna lie, my favorite spam. I have done dramatic readings of them to my family.
