Sunday, February 7, 2021

Some scatter terrain

Technically, these aren't figures, but I did paint them, so I'm counting them for my ongoing project to get paint on miniatures. I will be using these items as objectives/markers/eye candy in skirmish games like Frostgrave.

The first submission is this alien artifact, suitable for science fiction games as well as fantasy scenarios. I used color-shifting paint to try to give it an extradimensional look; I think the object comes across better in person than in photos. It does look good next to this 28mm mini.
I then painted a couple of soft plastic Buddha statutes that vaguely remember buying at some toy store. I mounted them on small washers for stability and then painted one kind of silvery and the other sort of golden.
There was a surprising amount of detail on these little things, and they will look great in all sorts of genres. They can serve as objectives, treasures, or just set decoration.
I guess they're life-size for 28mm scale, so it might be problematic for a single figure to cart one off; you'd probably need at least two people working together. Or maybe there's a hidden compartment with the treasure .... 
Maybe not as productive, but I do enjoy converting spare household bits and random toys into gaming accessories. Do other gamers do this often?


  1. Items like this certainly count...can you imagine the work to paint a ship or multistory building in the larger scales and saying it doesn't count? Besides, stuff like this adds a charm to the table as the figures interact with the furnishings more than the other player figures.

    Looks good, BTW, which is all a right minded gamer cares about.

  2. Frostgrave is great for turning junk into terrain... I've used marbles, egg cartons, broken string lights, even an old baseball!

    Where did the "alien artifact" come from?

  3. I'd be tempted to use one of the Buddha figures as an actual miniature, you know, as part of one faction or the other, in a skirmish game.

    So yeah: these totally count! And they look good too.

    There's just something about handmade terrain that makes a game complete.

  4. Again, I appreciate all your comments. The alien artifact was (I think) part of a contact lens kit or packaging.
