Monday, March 15, 2021

A la Cart

I know--I'm late with this week's figure. But At Least One Miniature Every Eight Days isn't quite as catchy as the current name for my little project, so I'm sticking with ALOMAW. Anyway, here is a ... cart. It's from the Reaper Bones Wiz Kids Deep Cuts line (fixed! thanks, Stu Rat!), and there's not much else to it.
This casting has a lot of detail, but you need an ink wash to bring it out. That's pretty much all I did, after painting the cart in a couple shades of brown. When the wash was done, I drybrushed a little to give it more of a weathered look (and I may need to add some more).

So this will work out nicely for scenery or objectives in skirmish games like Frostgrave, Melee, or Song of Blades and Heroes. It will also come in handy as part of a baggage train for Oldhammer scenarios. Happy painting, y'all!