Sunday, March 21, 2021

Water weird and well

This week was more quickie paint jobs, this time a couple of water weirds from the good ol' Reaper Bones line of minis. And since I like the idea of "before & after" versions of the same thing, I chopped off the critter from one model, giving me a nice well or cistern for your dungeon crawling pleasure. 
The chopping off part worked well, since the exacto blade made a circle of unnatural stillness in the otherwise bubbling water, ready to lure in the unsuspecting adventurer.
I've always been a fan of the translucent miniatures, and I do like how this came out. Now I have some dungeon decor/scatter terrain for use as a scenario objective, or just a nasty surprise.
As a bonus third figure, I took the creature that I had lopped off from the well and glued it to an acrylic base. Now I have a water elemental-type being that can appear anywher on the game board (but probably in or close to a water feature).

All in all, some fairly productive work for me today, and I hope everyeone else is getting a chance to accomplish something hobby-related. Thanks for stopping by the Dreadnought.