Monday, July 18, 2011

Work in Progress: Shuttles

More tiny spaceships for my fleet.  This time, it's small transports/shuttles for transferring small numbers of personnel between ships, planets, and so on.  They're part of my recent acquisition of more starship miniatures.
Unlike the fighter stands in the background, these models are from Valiant's Stardate: 3000 line of miniatures.  In particular, these spacecraft a're Federation Phantom VB Assault Ships.
Since they're larger than all the fighter models, these vessels will make nice civilian transports.  As you can see, there's room enough for one Phantom on each stand.
I'll probably end up painting these like I did my other civilian ships.  Once I find some spare time, that is.

1 comment:

  1. Finding spare time? Is that like finding a needle in a haystack?

    Hope you and the wife are doing well and eating yummy meals.
