Friday, December 23, 2011

More Song of Void and Stars

Photo from Mémoires d'un joueur blog.
French wargamer Arsenus has posted a report of another playtest of the Song of Void and Stars rules to his blog.  This time it was a two-on-two battle, using the same game stats for the vessels but with Star Trek ships.  This report is in English as well as French, so no need for an online translation.

The report gives a few hints about rules for SoVaS.  Tabletop effects such as nebulae and pulsars can subtract from a craft's combat value.  Ships can attempt to repair damage.  Some of the special abilities for starships include:
  • Evasive Maneuver
  • Point Defense Support
  • Target Painter
  • Missile
  • Light Fighter Hanger
In addition, publisher Andrea Sfiligoi gave a brief update in an email to the Song of Blades and Heroes mailing list:
It's a fast system where each player controls just a few ships (I have played with 4-5 although I'm certain you can play with more if you want a  longer game). Target release date is first half of 2012 but I can't be more accurate at the moment, as we need a point system and there is a ton of special rules to playtest.
(For earlier reports on the spaceship game using the SoBaH engine, go here and here.)

Merci, Arsenus, for the battle report; and grazie, Andreas, for sharing more details.


  1. You're welcome!

    I will do others reports using differents rules and maybe some Legendary Characters!^^

    Merry Christmas!

  2. A test with V0.4!

    Not translated in english, I'm too tired too.
