Sunday, June 18, 2023

Ogre at MillCon

As usual, I ran my Monopolis setup for Ogre at last November's MillenniumCon. This time, however, I had fewer players. Maybe it was the nonstandard time slot.
Anyway, still lots of Ogre-on-Ogre carnage, and I think I even got to roll a few dice myself thanks to the sparse player count.
I enjoy running it, but I'm thinking about doing a differnet sci-fi tank game at the next convention. More on that later.


pancerni said...

Still a good looking game. Perhaps just vary the layout?

 Ashley said...

Even the best games can fail to attract a large audience. Some times a change is as good as a rest.

So, what other tank games are you thinking about running? Hammer Slammers? Or, something else? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Desert Scribe said...

Thanks, Ashley! After picking up about 100 or so minis at a game convention a couple of years ago, I ran a few games of the 1970s Superior Models rules MAATAC* for our group. With a little work it turned into a playable wargame.

*Multifunctional Armed & Armored Tactical Attack Computer