I haven't posted in awhile, but I have been gaming. Here's a snapshot from today's session of the
Hill Cantons, taken from my phone:
The Hill Cantons crew takes on a giant and his prehistoric panther. From left: Uma (thief), Rellus the Braggart (0-level NPC promoted to 1st-level henchman), Judah the Hammer (cleric), Demitros (fighter), Barbarella the Amazon (fighter), and Mandamus a.k.a. the Professor (magic-user). |
Our group of player characters, henchmen, and NPCs took out a giant and a primitive great cat (above), made it to town, and went back with the intent to explore his lair. That's when things got weird. Long story short: we don't trust the skinny guys, our reward money got blown on healing--but we acquired a nifty metal tube that makes a big blue mess. We sure could have used a druid.
Curses foiled again. I curl my oily mustache in disdain.
Yes! I don't even know what this post says...just that I've signed on to Super Galactic Dreadnought, woohoo!
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