Although very new and focused primarily on roleplaying, I thought it interesting that the blog's author, The Drune, has dedicated a couple of posts to Tékumel's sci-fi background. Although EPT is a fantasy game, the world of Tékumel was settled by interstellar travellers, including Terrans. The Drune examines Humanspace Empires in one post, and applies that knowledge to map Humanspace (pictured above) in another post.
The setting of Tékumel has some 60,000(!) years of backstory. Although starship combat isn't something you usually see while playing Empire of the Petal Throne, with sixty millennia of history, I bet there's room in there somewhere for space battles between the Five Powers ....
Thanks for the shout out. Starship combat will definitely be a part of the game.
Good recommendation - I'll be reading too.
Am I that predictable? Well yes...this is brilliant. Just keep away from ship quarters with those stinky, rude Ahoyygas.
Porky and ckutalik, glad y'all liked the post. The Drune, looking forward to seeing more from you.
And now I'm thinking that a world settled millennia ago by the Five Powers would make a good setting for a D&D campaign. I'll have to stew about this some more ...
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