Thursday, November 28, 2013


Lots of people are on the road this week, or are hosting visitors themselves, making it difficult to play games.  I'm travelling myself, and I want to push some miniatures around the table (X-Wing and maybe All Things Zombie) at my brother's.  Anyone else hoping to play a few games this weekend?

For everyone observing the Thanksgiving holiday, I hope you have a great day filled with fellowship and feasting.  For all of you who are on the job while the rest of  us are lounging around, I appreciate your work, and hope you get a chance to relax soon.


BROODE said...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Scribe!

pancerni said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I should be playing some Great War tomorrow with a couple of friends. A nice. quiet weekend!

Unknown said...

It may not be a free-wheelin' miniatures game, proper, but I should be busting out Betrayal at House on the Hill within a few days. I'm polishing up the most recent iteration of my ambient soundtrack for it now...