Thursday, December 27, 2012

Leaving the Hill Cantons

No, I'm not departing from Kutalik's Hill Cantons campaign--our party just left that eponymous area of the game world, departing for the southern city of Kezmarok.
This city is partially intact, partially in ruins, much like the city of Phlan in the old Pool of Radiance computer game (or like Detroit in 2012).  In this new locale, our party met our contact at a social club in the inhabited part of town, then set out into the ruined portion to explore a sinkhole in search of certain items of value to a certain individual.
The adventurers found some (somewhat uncanny) structures at the bottom of this pit, and set out to explore.  We encountered and defeated a four-armed, shovels-wielding smoke demon in a furnace room as well as a six-armed, multi-legged automaton in a room with a statue of a Kirbyesque space deity on a raised platform.  The battle with the second foe left our explorers very battered, so we retreated in order to recover.
It was fun playing for the first time in more than six month, and we even had a guest adventurer, Chris's buddy John, who was visiting from out of town.  Here's to more adventuring on the back of the World Turtle!


Ski said...

*sniff sniff* I miss playing D&D.

Brad said...

Would have played if I wasn't out of town...

Allandaros said...

Fuck those six-armed guys. They are brutal.

Chris Kutalik said...

It was a blast running again. I will have to post my pics, the video is pretty hilarious