A little late for St. Patrick's Day, but please allow me to introduce Grunhilda Vert, part of a project I'm working on for my gaming group. The figure came from an Arena of the Planeswalkers game I picked up cheap a few years back.
I painted this mini by basecoating with some brush-on craft paint (I learned the hard way that Rustoleum spray primer on other models from this box remained tacky for more than a year; it took covering them with regular acrylics to get rid of the stickiness), overbrushing gray, and drybrushing white.
The casting's details showed up easily under the drybrush, and I then used various shades of speed paints and some craft metallics with a wash to apply the color scheme. The banner is paper covered with craft paint and wrapped around a coffee stirrer straw that fits over the wand she's holding.
It was a quick task for a tabletop standard, and I'm happy with the result. Now, who wants to guess what I'm gonna use her for?