Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Grunhilda says hello

 A little late for St. Patrick's Day, but please allow me to introduce Grunhilda Vert, part of a project I'm working on for my gaming group. The figure came from an Arena of the Planeswalkers game I picked up cheap a few years back.

I painted this mini by basecoating with some brush-on craft paint (I learned the hard way that Rustoleum spray primer on other models from this box remained tacky for more than a year; it took covering them with regular acrylics to get rid of the stickiness), overbrushing gray, and drybrushing white. 

The casting's details showed up easily under the drybrush, and I then used various shades of speed paints and some craft metallics with a wash to apply the color scheme. The banner is paper covered with craft paint and wrapped around a coffee stirrer straw that fits over the wand she's holding. 

It was a quick task for a tabletop standard, and I'm happy with the result. Now, who wants to guess what I'm gonna use her for?

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Don't wake the dragon!

We tried a new scenario recently for Oathmark. It was basically a meeting engagement, but when you arrive at the battlefield, you find a dragon slumbering between the opposing armies.
The drake would awaken if any unit moved or cast a spell too close to it, or if anyone attacked the sleeping beast. Once conscious, it would attack the closest unit in its line-of-sight or make a random move. This had us both literally tiptoeing around the middle of the battlefield.

Eventually we moved into combat with one another, and I had my archers shoot at the dragon to wake it up. This backfired eventually when the wyrm randomly turned and started focusing on my units.
One non-dragon highlight of the battle was when our heavy cavalry--mine led by a champion, his by a prince--met in combat, and we both rolled 10s on the Champion die, our leaders dying at each other's hand.

Even though the dragon decided to snack on my units, tipping the battle to my opponent, it was a fun time and a nice way to get such a creature on the board without unbalancing either side.