It's been a long time coming. |
This just in: Steve Jackson Games has announced
it will release a new version of the classic sci-fi tank game OGRE later this year. Although it doesn't include any miniatures, the sixth edition of
this venerable wargame does include
constructible cardstock OGREs and large (1.5-inch) hex maps. Good news for fans who have been frustrated in trying to find copies of this long-out-of-print game.
For tread-head reaction, see
the OGRE/GEV message board on the SJG website. For more details, and pictures of the counters, check out
this sell sheet the company put together.
Hat tip:
This thread at TMP.
Sweet. The cardstock tank reminds me of Pirates of the Spanish Main, and I wonder if this might become a collectible tank game, with booster packs of cardstock models.
There's no indication SJG will produce any expansions, and from what they're saying, it looks like they're only gonna do a single print run.
The map hexes look like the're the same size as the maps from Deluxe OGRE and Deluxe GEV sets, so I will still be able to use my minis with this game board.
Any way you look at it this is great news.
I love me some Ogre.
This does look good indeed. I've been ramping up to do some Ogre Miniatures myself, so I'm in an Ogre kinda mood.
And Desert Scribe, I am certain that if the sales of this are strong enough, more material will follow.
Certainly has got the old creative juices flowing in the Paint-it-Pink household
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