Saturday, August 31, 2024

Still around

 I know it's been awhile--OK, a year since my last post. I have fallen out of the blogging habit, with no real motivation to post more regularly.

Don't worry, though! I am still gaming and still painting miniatures. As proof, here is some sort of giant model I picked up at a flea market last year. I think it's from a Vikings boardgame.

This figure was very easy to paint, thanks to the sculpting and to the Army Painter speed paints I was using.
I was planning on using him in Oathmark, D&D, or Frostgrave, but instead my wife took him to put on her desk at work. I'm flattered she likes my work that much!

Who knows, maybe I will start blogging more soon. Meanwhile, happy gaming.


Shaun Travers said...

Glad you are still around and doing gaming stuff. Blog motivation comes and goes with a lot of us.

pancerni said...

Big fella, stunning! Nice to hear you are having fun. Any space ship gaming?

Ski said...

Nice to see you back :)

Gonsalvo said...

Welcome back; certainly looks the part of a Nordic giant!

Vic said...

Welcome back! I've been following your blog for some time & did wonder if you'd return.

ECW 40mm Project said...

Welcome Back! Personally, I find that setting a goal of at least one post a month for each blog [I have 4] is about right, and keeps me considering my breadth of projects by genre [the blogs are Ancient / Medieval, Naval / Spaceships, Horse and Musket, and Moderns (1880+)]. When I am working hard on a project, I try to post weekly, even just a quick comment with pics, to show what's up.

Hope that helps.