Since I wrote a retrospective post last year, I thought I would once again take a look back at some of my blogging and gaming accomplishments for 2011.
On the blogging side, I had quite a few posts of which I'm proud. Continuing my obsession with the old Starfleet Wars game, I examined the scale of the Starfleet Wars/Galactic Knights models; I conducted an in-depth review of the Starfleet Wars rules; I dug up some reviews of Starfleet Wars from the late 70s/early 80s; and I was fortunate enough to publish a retrospective by one of the Starfleet Wars sculptors. Regarding other games, I also took a detailed look at Galactic Knights; and I had fun designing my own dungeon using the Holmes D&D rules.
In addition, I wrote tutorials on painting Terran ships, painting an Entomalian cruiser, painting an Ent carrier, mounting spaceships on bases, and painting a moon for the tabletop. I also posted lots of photos of my painted spaceships, Hordes of the Things armies, my OGRE/GEV miniatures, and other minis.
On the spaceship gaming front, I was disappointed that I missed out on Millennium Con, which is just up the road in Round Rock (I did run a marathon instead, so the weekend wasn't a total waste). However, I did run a game at ChimaeraCon in San Antonio, a Galactic Knights scenario linked to a simultaneous ground battle. I also finally was able to play Starfleet Wars for the first time, as well as some Full Thrust.
My biggest gaming accomplishment (in conjunction with Chris from the Hill Cantons and Brad from Skull Crushing for Great Justice) was putting on a small game convention here in New Braunfels--the South Texas Mini-Con. It was a small event, but everyone had a good time. I even ran my first convention game of Starfleet Wars.
I also participated in plenty of other games: D&D in the Hill Cantons campaign on a semi-regular basis and a Conan one-shot; a game or two of Hordes of the Things; I also introduced a new player to Galactic Knights (and did it again a few weeks later); and even played Search for the Emporer's Treasure.
When I started out the year, I hoped to get a little painting done. I did complete a lot of miniatures: this blog's namesake SGDN, two other Terran ships, some Terran starbombers and star armored pursuit ships, Carnivoran starbombers, Entomalian starbombers, two different Entomalian battlecruisers, various starfighters, more starfighters, even more starfighters, a scratchbuilt asteriod base, Star Frontiers Federation battleship, frigates and destroyers and scouts and freighters, Star Frontiers pirate frigates, Star Frontiers privateers and more privateers, and Stardate: 3000 shuttles and fighters. I still have plenty to keep me busy, however, as I purchased more during the year.
All in all, 2011 was a pretty good year for me when it came to blogging, painting, and gaming. Here's to a better one in 2012!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
The Starfleet Wars that never was
Did you know that the original Starfleet Wars was once on the verge of re-release? Galactic Knights uses the same ship models, but the rules and setting are totally different from the older game. I thought the minis went out of production in the 1980s, but apparently not.
Sometime in the late 1990s, a San Francisco-area company called Game Masters (the distributor for Superior Models, which manufactured the castings and published the original rules) was offering the SfW miniatures for sale.* According to the old Starfleet Wars web page at,* Game Masters planned on publishing the SfW rulebooks:*
*Links via the Wayback Machine, a great boon to internet archeology.
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Photo from (Game Masters) website via the Wayback Machine |
Sometime in the late 1990s, a San Francisco-area company called Game Masters (the distributor for Superior Models, which manufactured the castings and published the original rules) was offering the SfW miniatures for sale.* According to the old Starfleet Wars web page at,* Game Masters planned on publishing the SfW rulebooks:*
Starfleet Wars, Books 1 and 2, are being re-released after 18 years. We'll let you know when and where you can obtain the rules.I don't think that company ever got around to releasing the Starfleet Wars books. Instead, it proceded to license the castings to Monday Knight Productions, which now sells the ships as its Galactic Knights line, with an eponymous combat game system. Too bad, as I've come to like the Starfleet Wars rules. It would be nice if they were more widely available.
*Links via the Wayback Machine, a great boon to internet archeology.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Forest for the trees
Yes, Forest for the Trees is a good band name. |
I plan on basing these trees (and my earlier vegetation acquisition) using washers and spackle, then spraypainting them with brown and again with green to cover up the white flocking. That way, they'll be all-season trees instead of just winter terrain. They will come in handy for army battles with Hordes of the Things and for skirmish gaming using Song of Blades and Heroes. I'm sure they'll see use in other games as well. Anyone else clean up on Christmas clearances for gaming material?
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Another new mini
Check out what I scored recently on ebay:
He's an Angel of Valor Legionnaire for the Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures game. Cool, huh?
I plan on using this figure in one of my Hordes of the Things armies--either Surtr and the Sons of Muspel, or a new army, theme undecided.
He's taller than your typical 28mm figure, and a lot more regal-looking, so I don't think I'll use him as a Fliers element. He looks powerful, so I don't see him as a unit of Blades, either.
I'm thinking Hero or Aerial Hero. Either way, a nice addition to my HotT army, whichever one I end up putting him in.
He's an Angel of Valor Legionnaire for the Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures game. Cool, huh?
I plan on using this figure in one of my Hordes of the Things armies--either Surtr and the Sons of Muspel, or a new army, theme undecided.
He's taller than your typical 28mm figure, and a lot more regal-looking, so I don't think I'll use him as a Fliers element. He looks powerful, so I don't see him as a unit of Blades, either.
I'm thinking Hero or Aerial Hero. Either way, a nice addition to my HotT army, whichever one I end up putting him in.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Gelatinous cubes
Today I picked up a couple of gelatinous cube miniatures (pictured above with the thief Uma, one of the characters from the Hill Cantons campaign) for use in D&D games. Can you guess the manufacturer (of the cubes, not Uma--she's a Reaper figure in need of a touchup)?
Hint: they're not from the D&D Minis prepainted line. They're not Mage Knight figs, either.
Give up? OK, they're from the "Make It Christmas!" line.
That's right, these are holiday decorations I found in the 2/3 off clearance section of Hobby Lobby (the back of the label reads "Description: Crystal Clear Ice Cubes x 2"). The package further describes these things as "Parts for Holiday Projects!!!" (triple exclamation points included). I guess people use them as ice scuptures or something to go with the little trees in their holiday villages? They also come in smaller sizes in packs of four, as well as a package of a dozen or so tiny, transparent cubes. Of course, when I saw them, I immediately knew their true purpose was to represent these dungeon scavengers on the tabletop.
OK, maybe they look a little small next to a 30mm figure, but at 80 cents per, who could pass them up? They're Item # 5848148 if you're interested.
Hint: they're not from the D&D Minis prepainted line. They're not Mage Knight figs, either.
Give up? OK, they're from the "Make It Christmas!" line.
That's right, these are holiday decorations I found in the 2/3 off clearance section of Hobby Lobby (the back of the label reads "Description: Crystal Clear Ice Cubes x 2"). The package further describes these things as "Parts for Holiday Projects!!!" (triple exclamation points included). I guess people use them as ice scuptures or something to go with the little trees in their holiday villages? They also come in smaller sizes in packs of four, as well as a package of a dozen or so tiny, transparent cubes. Of course, when I saw them, I immediately knew their true purpose was to represent these dungeon scavengers on the tabletop.
OK, maybe they look a little small next to a 30mm figure, but at 80 cents per, who could pass them up? They're Item # 5848148 if you're interested.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Nitpicking AD&D: weaponless combat
Over at Skull Crushing for Great Justice (awesome blog name, by the way), fellow Hill Cantons campaigner Brad has started examining the first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules in order to run a campaign (see his posts on character generation, combat, spells and more spells, saves and alignments, and missile combat). In his ruminations about AD&D, Brad posits that while most of us end up playing a house-ruled, stripped-down version of the game that's closer to the Basic/Expert rules than it is to the Advanced game, AD&D is actually a pretty solid set of rules--unfortunately, those rules are spread randomly across several hardbacks instead of being organized coherently.
I agree--although it's better organized than the original version, AD&D is still scattered across three, four, or more titles (depending on which supplements you add to the game) and can seem a bit schizophrenic. The result, at least for the group I played with as a teenage Scribe, was that we ignored a lot of the rules that slowed the game down (I'm looking at you, weapon speeds!).
However, a fresh look at the Players Handbook shows that as teens, we ignored what should have been a major part of combat: pummelling, grappling, and overbearing. While the PH is short on mechanics of combat, leaving adjudication methods to the DM, it does have a short section that lays out various options for players, including turning undead, spells, missiles, and melee combat, which "includes the use of hand-held weapons, natural weaponry (claws, horns, teeth,etc.), grappling, and special or magical touch attacks, i.e. poison ... etc." (Emphasis added.) The section goes on to describe an example of combat in which adventurers surprise an illusionist with twenty orcs. From page 105 of the Players Handbook:
Sorry, went off on a tangent. My point is, I guess, that in our version of AD&D combat, the characters and the monsters faced each other in static lines, exchanging blows like in the old 8-bit versions of the Final Fantasy videogames until one side or the other was eliminated. Gygax's example, on the other hand, is more reminiscent of those old sword & sorcery tales that inspired the game, where hordes of bad guys swarm the hero in order to capture him but run away if resistance is too fierce.
So does anyone actually use the unarmed combat rules from the DMG? Do you instead use one of the simpler versions in Unearthed Arcana? Or do you just have the two sides whacking each other until everyone's dead? And what about morale? Do enemies run away or fight until the bitter end?
I agree--although it's better organized than the original version, AD&D is still scattered across three, four, or more titles (depending on which supplements you add to the game) and can seem a bit schizophrenic. The result, at least for the group I played with as a teenage Scribe, was that we ignored a lot of the rules that slowed the game down (I'm looking at you, weapon speeds!).
However, a fresh look at the Players Handbook shows that as teens, we ignored what should have been a major part of combat: pummelling, grappling, and overbearing. While the PH is short on mechanics of combat, leaving adjudication methods to the DM, it does have a short section that lays out various options for players, including turning undead, spells, missiles, and melee combat, which "includes the use of hand-held weapons, natural weaponry (claws, horns, teeth,etc.), grappling, and special or magical touch attacks, i.e. poison ... etc." (Emphasis added.) The section goes on to describe an example of combat in which adventurers surprise an illusionist with twenty orcs. From page 105 of the Players Handbook:
(Emphasis added.) This example of combat (which I recently read for the first time in probably more than two decades) contains two rules which we pretty much ignored as kids: grappling and morale--and I only just now noticed the bit about a morale check. I won't describe the Dungeon Masters Guide rules for unarmed combat in detail (it involves a percentile dice to-hit roll against 10 x defender's armor class, adjusted by fiddly little 1%, 5%, and 10% modifiers and then a second percentile dice roll--with more modifiers--to see how much damage is scored, and a fraction of that damage is nonlethal and temporary, and ... oh, just read it for yourself). Morale rules are more straightforward, but still difficult to compute on the fly. I realize now there are alternative unarmed combat rules in Unearthed Arcana, but back in the day I never actually got to the end of that book.... The illusionist/orcs again win initiative and attack first, 5 orcs going after each fighter to grapple, 6 rushing the magic-user, and 3 heading for the cleric. The fighters are pulled down, as is the magic-user, but the cleric avoids their grasp. ... [T]he fighters and magic-user are held fast by orcs, so they can do nothing. ...
... It is now the orcs' turn, and as their leader is dead [slain by the theif in the previous round] and they still face 2 powerful opponents, they will check morale. It is probable that they will kill the pinned characters with dagger thrusts if their morale does not break, or that they will rleease the pinned characters and run away if their morale is bad.
Sorry, went off on a tangent. My point is, I guess, that in our version of AD&D combat, the characters and the monsters faced each other in static lines, exchanging blows like in the old 8-bit versions of the Final Fantasy videogames until one side or the other was eliminated. Gygax's example, on the other hand, is more reminiscent of those old sword & sorcery tales that inspired the game, where hordes of bad guys swarm the hero in order to capture him but run away if resistance is too fierce.
So does anyone actually use the unarmed combat rules from the DMG? Do you instead use one of the simpler versions in Unearthed Arcana? Or do you just have the two sides whacking each other until everyone's dead? And what about morale? Do enemies run away or fight until the bitter end?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas gifts
At first I thought I must have been very bad this year, because I found this in my stocking: But then I unwrapped a package that turned out to be something I had asked for, a camera stand to help me improve my photography for this blog:
The Gorilla Pod was all I had asked for, but I received another photography-related gift:
That's right, a new camera, to replace my current model, which is a little worse for wear after four years of sharing my pocket with keys and cell phone. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
These are all my Christmas gifts which are even tangentially related to gaming. So what did Santa bring you this year?
The Gorilla Pod was all I had asked for, but I received another photography-related gift:
That's right, a new camera, to replace my current model, which is a little worse for wear after four years of sharing my pocket with keys and cell phone. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
These are all my Christmas gifts which are even tangentially related to gaming. So what did Santa bring you this year?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The week in gaming
I've been fortunate this holiday season. The past seven days were filled with gaming. I wanted do individual posts for each game, but who am I kidding? Instead, here are some pics.
Friday, December 23, 2011
More Song of Void and Stars
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Photo from Mémoires d'un joueur blog. |
The report gives a few hints about rules for SoVaS. Tabletop effects such as nebulae and pulsars can subtract from a craft's combat value. Ships can attempt to repair damage. Some of the special abilities for starships include:
- Evasive Maneuver
- Point Defense Support
- Target Painter
- Missile
- Light Fighter Hanger
It's a fast system where each player controls just a few ships (I have played with 4-5 although I'm certain you can play with more if you want a longer game). Target release date is first half of 2012 but I can't be more accurate at the moment, as we need a point system and there is a ton of special rules to playtest.(For earlier reports on the spaceship game using the SoBaH engine, go here and here.)
Merci, Arsenus, for the battle report; and grazie, Andreas, for sharing more details.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Another old Starfleet Wars ad
I found another magazine advertisement for Starfleet Wars from back in the day. This was was in the Best of Dragon Vol. 1, and it's another one of the reasons behind my obsession with the game and its associated miniatures. Who wouldn't be entranced by the five Super Galactic Dreadnoughts in this picture?
My apologies for the image, which is a scan of a water-damaged volume I actually own. I was thumbing through it recently when I saw the familiar ship outlines. You can find this Alnavco ad on page 23 of the compilation, beneath anexercise in nerdery article titled "How Heavy is My Giant?"
It's interesting that the magazine would sell advertisements in an issue that's reprinting older articles and presumably meant as a reference work. In addition to the copy for Alnavco, there are also ads for Ral Partha, the Dungeon Hobby Shop, Arduin, The Armory, Martian Metals, Chaosium and more.
The text in the Dragon advertisement goes into greater detail than the smaller Starfleet Wars ad in Boys Life, which I showed you last summer. The advertising copy is evocative of the game's setting:
My apologies for the image, which is a scan of a water-damaged volume I actually own. I was thumbing through it recently when I saw the familiar ship outlines. You can find this Alnavco ad on page 23 of the compilation, beneath an
It's interesting that the magazine would sell advertisements in an issue that's reprinting older articles and presumably meant as a reference work. In addition to the copy for Alnavco, there are also ads for Ral Partha, the Dungeon Hobby Shop, Arduin, The Armory, Martian Metals, Chaosium and more.
The text in the Dragon advertisement goes into greater detail than the smaller Starfleet Wars ad in Boys Life, which I showed you last summer. The advertising copy is evocative of the game's setting:
Each [SGDN] is the flagship of a different starfleet consisting of galactic dreadnoughts, battlecruisers, cruisers, destroyers and transports. Each fleet has its own "air" force of starbombers and starfighters. And eadh fleet has different characteristics, tactics, etc., all explained in STARFLEET WARS, wargaming rules desined especially for this series.Not only that, but the Super Galactic Dreadnought models sold for just $15 apiece! No wonder I wanted one back then. It took me a few decades, but I finally got it.
There's more! Each fleet has its own Galactic Armor Corps...miniature futuristic fighting vehicles for surdace battles. The game MAATAC provides wargaming rules.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday Starships: Song of Void and Stars
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Photo from Mémoires d'un joueur blog. |
Like all machine translations, this one's a little inexact, but apparently the game uses different colored tokens to track damaged and destroyed ship systems. I don't know if it's the playtester's idea or it's in the rules, but I do like the concept of using fighters to represent missiles in the game--let's face it, in most starship combat games, fighters are pretty much disposable ordnance.
In this particular playtest, damage to the Rebel ship knocked out its control systems, forcing it to fly through an asteroid field, making it easy for the Imperial vessel to finish it off. Seems like SoVaS will be a quick-playing game that would allow me to put a lot of ships on the table. I'm looking forward to learning more about Song of Void and Stars.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday Starships: Sathar work in progress
Some small progress on some of the Sathar vessels from last summer's Half-Price Books purchase: I have them primed and based.
As you can see, I used a new technique for basing the light cruiser--two 1-inch stands instead of a larger (1½-inch or more) single base. This provides a steady platform for these ships, which I may use for the larger Sathar models as well.
I plan on trying a new paint scheme on these, but I'm not sure exactly what colors I'll use just yet. In the meantime, I primered them a medium gray, which came out very bright in the photos because of the camera flash (as evident on the frigate below).
I'm not yet sure if I will use these models to represent a new species coming into contact with the Five Powers or just as noncombatants of some sort (those Sathar light cruisers would make good tankers, for example). Either way, if anyone has any suggestions for a color scheme, feel free to share.
As you can see, I used a new technique for basing the light cruiser--two 1-inch stands instead of a larger (1½-inch or more) single base. This provides a steady platform for these ships, which I may use for the larger Sathar models as well.
I plan on trying a new paint scheme on these, but I'm not sure exactly what colors I'll use just yet. In the meantime, I primered them a medium gray, which came out very bright in the photos because of the camera flash (as evident on the frigate below).
I'm not yet sure if I will use these models to represent a new species coming into contact with the Five Powers or just as noncombatants of some sort (those Sathar light cruisers would make good tankers, for example). Either way, if anyone has any suggestions for a color scheme, feel free to share.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
WTF, Blogger?
OK, I've tried several times, but I can't get my title picture to stretch all the way across the screen like it's supposed to. I unchecked the "shrink to fit" box when importing a photo for the title section of the blog, but it still shows up shrunken. I did this for my old photo, and I tried it with a new photo (visible in the wrong place above).
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
EDIT: OK, now the photo is behind the title, but the words in the title are now in a smaller area. What's going on?
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
EDIT: OK, now the photo is behind the title, but the words in the title are now in a smaller area. What's going on?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ...
... which means cheap sources for terrain are available at your local dollar stores and craft shops. I picked up a few miniature trees the other day, which normal people apparently use for purposes other than wargaming: Note that in addition to the ubiquitous evergreens, I managed to snag a couple of deciduous trees for the gaming table, as you can see in the top row of the topmost photo. I just need to go over all these with some green spraypaint and get them onto bases, and presto: new forest ambiance for Hordes of the Things or Song of Blades and Heroes.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday Starships: Galactic Knights edition
I had a chance to teach Galactic Knights to a new player on Saturday, a friend's 10-year-old son. He and I have played Heroscape together for some time, but I told him I had a spaceship game he might be interested in instead. I showed him the miniatures and we practiced GK's vector movement before heading out for lunch.
When we returned from our meal, I set out a basic scenario for our first game: two cruisers (each a Ranger-class, but while I took a Terran craft, the other player picked an Entomalian ship for his vessel), starting on opposite sides of the planet. My friend, who has an inexplicable fondness for the University of Texas, christened his vessel the UT Rocks. As a good Aggie, I responded by naming my ship the Death to Longhorns. The first turn, we both accelerated toward each other, but missed with our long-range heavy particle beam batteries. We coasted past each other, turning to face so that our double-shielded fronts kept facing each other. We then circled around, with a few beams dinging each other's armor.
When we returned from our meal, I set out a basic scenario for our first game: two cruisers (each a Ranger-class, but while I took a Terran craft, the other player picked an Entomalian ship for his vessel), starting on opposite sides of the planet. My friend, who has an inexplicable fondness for the University of Texas, christened his vessel the UT Rocks. As a good Aggie, I responded by naming my ship the Death to Longhorns. The first turn, we both accelerated toward each other, but missed with our long-range heavy particle beam batteries. We coasted past each other, turning to face so that our double-shielded fronts kept facing each other. We then circled around, with a few beams dinging each other's armor.
However, amid all the beam shooting, I neglected to launch any missiles, while my young opponent did fire off his first salvo, which detonated behind me, shredding my rear armor and taking out one medium battery. I did deploy missiles the next turn, striking the rear of the ship, but only two struck home. Of course, my enemy shot off his second batch of missiles, which chewed up the rest of my armor and took out my heavy battery and an engine. Subsequent beam fire eliminated more beams and my missile launcher. In response, I just scratched the paint on the other ship.
With my maneuverability cut from 9 to 5, I couldn't get away without exposing my unarmored backside to his beams. So I slowly attempted to back away from the planet and make my escape. I was just delaying the inevitable, however. Although we called the game because of time, it was obvious I was going to lose. We had a good time playing, and I seem to have made a convert to spaceship gaming--my youthful protege wants to play again, with more ships. And after seeing my homemade planet on the table, he even promised to construct a Mars-like planet for me, since he had made one of his own for a school report. A successful day of gaming.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Blue cat group
Speaking of Carnivorans, take a look at this cat fleet by Don M of the Brazos Evil Empire:
Some time ago, Don had mentioned he had a Carnivore fleet, but at the time he didn't have any photos up. He was kind enough to bring his ships down to the South Texas Mini-Con last summer. He didn't get them on the gaming table, instead he demoed When the Navy Walked.
Now, he has pics up, and the space forces of the Terran Transsolar Navy stand ready to repel the invaders! Although the Carnies were originally Starfleet Wars minis, Don says he uses them when he plays Full Thrust. I, on the other hand, usually play Starfleet Wars or Galactic Knights. If we want our fleets to meet in battle, we're gonna have to chose a ruleset.
Either way, they're some nice looking ships. Be sure to check out the rest of the pics of Don's Carnivoran fleet.
Some time ago, Don had mentioned he had a Carnivore fleet, but at the time he didn't have any photos up. He was kind enough to bring his ships down to the South Texas Mini-Con last summer. He didn't get them on the gaming table, instead he demoed When the Navy Walked.
Now, he has pics up, and the space forces of the Terran Transsolar Navy stand ready to repel the invaders! Although the Carnies were originally Starfleet Wars minis, Don says he uses them when he plays Full Thrust. I, on the other hand, usually play Starfleet Wars or Galactic Knights. If we want our fleets to meet in battle, we're gonna have to chose a ruleset.
Either way, they're some nice looking ships. Be sure to check out the rest of the pics of Don's Carnivoran fleet.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
More Superior Models copyrights

In addition to copyrights for Superior Models printed materials, the company also registered several of its miniatures, including some of the 100mm Starfleet Wars figures:
Type of Work: | Visual Material |
Registration Number / Date: | VA0000043007 / 1979-11-05 |
Title: | Keech : [no.] FA-37. |
Description: | Figurine. |
Notes: | Upright bird in armor. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1979 |
Date of Publication: | 1979-05-29 |
Authorship on Application: | Ron Spicer. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Names: | Spicer, Ron, 1933- |
Superior Models, Inc. |
Type of Work: | Visual Material |
Registration Number / Date: | VA0000043005 / 1979-11-05 |
Application Title: | Lion warrior. |
Title: | Scarr : [no.] FA-29. |
Description: | Figurine. |
Notes: | Upright lion in armor. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1979 |
Date of Publication: | 1979-01-16 |
Date in Notice: | notice: 1978 |
Authorship on Application: | Ron Spicer. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Other Title: | Lion warrior |
Names: | Spicer, Ron, 1933- |
Superior Models, Inc. |
Type of Work: | Visual Material |
Registration Number / Date: | VA0000043006 / 1979-11-05 |
Application Title: | Warrior lizard. |
Title: | Torc : [no.] FA-34. |
Description: | Figurine. |
Notes: | Upright lizard in armor. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1979 |
Date of Publication: | 1979-01-31 |
Authorship on Application: | Ron Spicer. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Other Title: | Warrior lizard |
Names: | Spicer, Ron, 1933- |
Superior Models, Inc. |
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday Starships (cont'd): second Starfleet Wars game
After our first Starfleet Wars game of the day on Saturday, I was familiar with the fighter and starbomber rules, but I wanted to try them out with more ships on each side. Since Chris was here now, I relinquished my player's hat and oversaw the game as a referee. As you can see, I decided to use wisps from cotton balls to mark ships that had been hit.
The scenario Ipulled out of my ass carefully put together involved the Carnivorans defending a moon against an incursion by the Avarians. The birdies' goal was to get their ships into orbit around the satellite; the kitties' job was to stop them.
The Carnies got pretty much my entire cat fleet: a Den-class galactic attack carrier, Lion-class galactic battlecruiser, two Panther-class stellar cruisers, a Cheetah-class stellar destroyer, three Kitten-class star armored pursuit ships, and three Snarl-class starbombers.
The Avarians were fewer in number, but the ships were more powerful and included a Nest-class GAC, an Eagle-class GB, a Screech Owl-class stellar destroyer leader, and three Hawk-class SDs.
I quickly realized the birds were outnumbered, so I had some transports (repurposed pirate frigates from Star Frontiers) enter on the following turn. If they could get to the moon, that would be good for the Avarians.
It took a couple of turns with no firing before the two fleets got into range. Long story short: the Carnivores concentrated all their fire onto the Avarian DL and vaporized it in a single turn (68 points of damage to a ship that starts with just 36 power units). The cats also launched fighters for two turns, so they had twice as many on the board as the birds, who just launched once. Avarian lasers quickly took out most of the Carnie SBs and SAPS.
All but one Avarian fighter was shot down, while the Carns had several survive to launch their high velocity implosion weapons at the Av ships. More deadly, however, were the high velocity implosion weapons on the larger ships--Carnivorans have a terrific rate of fire for their missiles, and their barrage overwhelmed the Avarian battlecruiser, even though it was twice as powerful as its cat counterpart. The birds did take out the enemy destroyer in return.
The Avarian carrier had kept out of the fight and escorted the transports into orbit around their objective. With two-thirds of its fighters remaining (and the Carnivorans missing more than half of their starfighters), the birds still posed a threat. It was about time to call it quits. I declared the game a tie.
This play experience taught me a couple of lessons about the rules. First, take care of all fighter/anti-fighter combat and get casualties off the board before allowing fighters to launch their missiles (but still apply fighter missile damage simultaneously at the end of the turn along with damage from ships' missiles and lasers). Second, even though the sides were about evenly matched in terms of total power units, numbers matter when it comes to defending against fighters. Since each ship gets 10 CIDS rolls (even if the percentage to hit is low), the more vessels you have to shoot down enemy planes, the better.
I'm grateful to Chris and Joe for coming over to play, and I apologize for not having a more balanced scenario--Joe had a lot less to work with than he needed. Thanks, guys, for being such good sports.
The scenario I
The Carnies got pretty much my entire cat fleet: a Den-class galactic attack carrier, Lion-class galactic battlecruiser, two Panther-class stellar cruisers, a Cheetah-class stellar destroyer, three Kitten-class star armored pursuit ships, and three Snarl-class starbombers.
The Avarians were fewer in number, but the ships were more powerful and included a Nest-class GAC, an Eagle-class GB, a Screech Owl-class stellar destroyer leader, and three Hawk-class SDs.
I quickly realized the birds were outnumbered, so I had some transports (repurposed pirate frigates from Star Frontiers) enter on the following turn. If they could get to the moon, that would be good for the Avarians.
It took a couple of turns with no firing before the two fleets got into range. Long story short: the Carnivores concentrated all their fire onto the Avarian DL and vaporized it in a single turn (68 points of damage to a ship that starts with just 36 power units). The cats also launched fighters for two turns, so they had twice as many on the board as the birds, who just launched once. Avarian lasers quickly took out most of the Carnie SBs and SAPS.
All but one Avarian fighter was shot down, while the Carns had several survive to launch their high velocity implosion weapons at the Av ships. More deadly, however, were the high velocity implosion weapons on the larger ships--Carnivorans have a terrific rate of fire for their missiles, and their barrage overwhelmed the Avarian battlecruiser, even though it was twice as powerful as its cat counterpart. The birds did take out the enemy destroyer in return.
The Avarian carrier had kept out of the fight and escorted the transports into orbit around their objective. With two-thirds of its fighters remaining (and the Carnivorans missing more than half of their starfighters), the birds still posed a threat. It was about time to call it quits. I declared the game a tie.
This play experience taught me a couple of lessons about the rules. First, take care of all fighter/anti-fighter combat and get casualties off the board before allowing fighters to launch their missiles (but still apply fighter missile damage simultaneously at the end of the turn along with damage from ships' missiles and lasers). Second, even though the sides were about evenly matched in terms of total power units, numbers matter when it comes to defending against fighters. Since each ship gets 10 CIDS rolls (even if the percentage to hit is low), the more vessels you have to shoot down enemy planes, the better.
I'm grateful to Chris and Joe for coming over to play, and I apologize for not having a more balanced scenario--Joe had a lot less to work with than he needed. Thanks, guys, for being such good sports.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday Starships: Starfleet Wars game
Some holiday weekend gaming--I was fortunate enough to gather a couple of fellow starship captains for some Starfleet Wars action when Hill Cantons blogger Chris and Johnny Reb organizer Joe made it over on Saturday. Chris got stuck in traffic, so the first match was between me and Joe. My previous games only involved large ships, so I wanted to try out the rules for starfighters, as well as the rules for starbombers and star armored pursuit ships this time around.
I took a Terran Invincible-class dreadnought (which carries four starfighters) with three Mars-class starbombers and a pair of Dauntless-class SAPS as escorts. I gave Joe two task forces: an Aquarian Stingray-class carrier accompanied by a couple of Piranha-class destroyers and an Entomalian Hive-class carrier escorted by a Wasp-class destroyer and two Louse-class star armored pursuit ships:
The idea in this scenario was for me to get the DN off the other side of the board with enough power to reach hyperspace. I started out behind a moon; Joe deployed his forces apart from each other hoping to get me to run the gauntlet between them.
I immediately headed to my right, around the outside of the water-breathers, for three turns. On my fourth turn, however, I juked back toward the opposite table edge, faking out Joe, who had anticipated me continuing in the same direction. (This is why I like simultaneous movement--it forces you to anticipate where your opponent is headed.)
While this was happening, the fish fighters quickly took out my three SBs, and the bug attack craft shot down my SAPS a couple of turns later. I managed to eliminate one of the fish destroyers and scratch the paint on the Aquarian carrier. The aliens in turn damaged my remaining ship by more than 10 percent--enough to reduce the amount of antiaircraft fire and give me some dilemmas in power allocation, but that's about it.
The final turn had me headed for the border with both forces in hot pursuit. The alien team-up failed to stop the lonely dreadnought from reaching the system's edge and escaping to lightspeed. By the time we finished, Chris had shown up. Now that we had the fighter rules down, I decided to run a larger game with carriers on both sides. I will share how that turned out in a later post. For now, enjoy your Sunday.
I took a Terran Invincible-class dreadnought (which carries four starfighters) with three Mars-class starbombers and a pair of Dauntless-class SAPS as escorts. I gave Joe two task forces: an Aquarian Stingray-class carrier accompanied by a couple of Piranha-class destroyers and an Entomalian Hive-class carrier escorted by a Wasp-class destroyer and two Louse-class star armored pursuit ships:
The idea in this scenario was for me to get the DN off the other side of the board with enough power to reach hyperspace. I started out behind a moon; Joe deployed his forces apart from each other hoping to get me to run the gauntlet between them.
I immediately headed to my right, around the outside of the water-breathers, for three turns. On my fourth turn, however, I juked back toward the opposite table edge, faking out Joe, who had anticipated me continuing in the same direction. (This is why I like simultaneous movement--it forces you to anticipate where your opponent is headed.)
While this was happening, the fish fighters quickly took out my three SBs, and the bug attack craft shot down my SAPS a couple of turns later. I managed to eliminate one of the fish destroyers and scratch the paint on the Aquarian carrier. The aliens in turn damaged my remaining ship by more than 10 percent--enough to reduce the amount of antiaircraft fire and give me some dilemmas in power allocation, but that's about it.
The final turn had me headed for the border with both forces in hot pursuit. The alien team-up failed to stop the lonely dreadnought from reaching the system's edge and escaping to lightspeed. By the time we finished, Chris had shown up. Now that we had the fighter rules down, I decided to run a larger game with carriers on both sides. I will share how that turned out in a later post. For now, enjoy your Sunday.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Starfleet Wars copyright info
The author of the Zenopus Archives, whose devotion to the old blue box Dungeons & Dragons rules rivals my obsession with Starfleet Wars, recently scoured the United States Copyright Office website for publication information regarding the Holmes basic D&D set.
Since ZA's research proved so fruitful, I decided to follow in his footsteps and search the online catalog for similar details regarding the SfW games. I found three entries for Starfleet Wars (links are embedded in the Copyright Office entries and go to copyright searches for that name):
I also found an entry for MAATAC (which is spelled with spaces in between the letters for some reason):
My thanks to Zenopus Archives for pointing me to this great resource!
Since ZA's research proved so fruitful, I decided to follow in his footsteps and search the online catalog for similar details regarding the SfW games. I found three entries for Starfleet Wars (links are embedded in the Copyright Office entries and go to copyright searches for that name):
Type of Work: | Visual Material |
Registration Number / Date: | TX0000621288 / 1980-06-16 |
Application Title: | Starships. |
Title: | Starfleet wars. |
Description: | Folder. |
Notes: | Catalog sheet. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1978 |
Date of Publication: | 1978-07-24 |
Authorship on Application: | Superior Models, Inc., employer for hire of Ron Spicer. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Names: | Spicer, Ron, 1937- |
Superior Models, Inc. |
Type of Work: | Visual Material |
Registration Number / Date: | TX0000621289 / 1980-06-16 |
Application Title: | Starfleet wars game board. |
Title: | Starfleet wars. |
Imprint: | Claymont, Del. : Superior Models, c1978. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1978 |
Date of Publication: | 1978-07-24 |
Authorship on Application: | Superior Models, Inc., employer for hire of Ron Spicer. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Names: | Spicer, Ron, 1937- |
Superior Models, Inc. |
Type of Work: | Text |
Registration Number / Date: | TX0000509051 / 1980-04-29 |
Title: | Starfleet wars / [written by Wayne Smith ; designed & illustrated by Ron Spicer]. |
Imprint: | Claymont, DE : Superior Models, c1978. |
Description: | 16 p. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1978 |
Date of Publication: | 1978-07-24 |
Authorship on Application: | Superior Models, Inc., employer for hire. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Names: | Smith, Wayne |
Spicer, Ron | |
Superior Models, Inc. |
I also found an entry for MAATAC (which is spelled with spaces in between the letters for some reason):
Type of Work: | Text |
Registration Number / Date: | TX0000509050 / 1980-04-29 |
Title: | The Intergalactic wargame of great armored fighting machines : M A A T A C / [written by Wayne Smith ; designed & illustrated by Ron Spicer]. |
Imprint: | Claymont, DE : Superior Models, c1979. |
Description: | 16 p. |
Copyright Claimant: | Superior Models, Inc. |
Date of Creation: | 1979 |
Date of Publication: | 1979-07-10 |
Authorship on Application: | Superior Models, Inc., employer for hire. |
Copyright Note: | C.O. correspondence. |
Other Title: | M A A T AC |
Names: | Smith, Wayne |
Spicer, Ron | |
Superior Models, Inc. |
My thanks to Zenopus Archives for pointing me to this great resource!
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